Teething is a significant milestone, and it’s not just one milestone; there are several stages of teething! The eruption of baby teeth varies from child to child, like all developmental stages, but there are standard age ranges where specific teeth tend to arrive! Your child’s dentist will use a baby teeth chart once they begin regular dental checkups. But before then, you can use the Baby Daybook teething tracker to log each new tooth! In this article, we’ll help you understand everything you need to know about your baby teething, from teething symptoms to how to use a baby teeth tracker!

When Does Teething Start?
Most babies are born without teeth. In rare cases (one in every 200,000 births), some newborns are born with one or two teeth called neonatal teeth. Neonatal teeth are extremely rare and can be caused by a handful of different issues or conditions. If this occurs, your baby’s pediatrician will guide you on the best course of action.
The chances of your baby being born with any teeth are slim. Typically, baby teething begins between five and seven months old, with some babies as early as four months and some a little later.
By the time your baby is 18 months, it should have between eight and twelve erupted teeth. Use the teething tracker in the Baby Daybook App to keep track of each tooth as it erupts. There, you can log which teeth your baby has, any teething symptoms you’ve noticed.
Stages of Teething
Not all babies will teethe in the same order; however, the eruption of teeth follows a pretty standard order. The four front teeth are typically the first to erupt: two on the bottom and two on the top.
Next come the other two top, middle, and bottom teeth, called lateral incisors. Somewhere between their first birthday and 18 months, your little one’s upper and lower first molars will come in, followed by their upper and lower canines.
By the time your baby is two years old, you’ll have about a dozen teeth marked off on your teething tracker! By the age of three, the eruption of baby teeth is typically finished!
Now you have a few years before they’ll begin losing teeth around six or seven years old!
Teething Symptoms and Signs
Teething is unpleasant, but it does not always cause problems for babies. When your little one is going through the stages of teething, some signs and symptoms may pop up before you see a tooth!
- Drooling
- Rash around their mouth or chin
- Mouthing objects
- Unusual crying or fussiness
- Swollen or puffy gums
- Biting objects or people
- Refusing to eat
- Nighttime wakings (different than before)
- Pulling on their ear
- Rubbing their cheek
There are some common misconceptions about teething.
Teething does not cause:
- A fever
- Diaper rash
- Diarrhea
- Colds or other illnesses
If your baby is experiencing any of the above symptoms alongside teething, it is essential to have them seen by a pediatrician to diagnose and treat the illness.
Soothing a Teething Baby
Teething is uncomfortable and irritating but not necessarily painful. There are a handful of ways you can soothe their discomfort.
- Offer rubber teething rings or cold toys to chew on; do not give them frozen toys as they hurt their gums.
- Rub and massage their gums with your fingers.
- Offer cold foods like yogurt or pureed fruit in a baby feeder mesh bag.
- Ask your child’s pediatrician about administering Tylenol.
What to Avoid
- OTC teething gels. They tend to rub off easily and don’t usually work.
- Numbing gels. The FDA warns against using topical numbing agents on children under two that contain benzocaine as it can cause a rare but dangerous condition that reduces your baby’s blood-oxygen levels.
Home Dental Care
Home dental care should begin before you see your baby’s first tooth. Your baby doesn’t need to be teething to start “brushing” their teeth! Before your baby’s teething begins, gently massage and clean their gums with a damp washcloth. If they are experiencing teething symptoms, the gentle massage will help soothe discomfort.
Once your baby’s first tooth has popped up, you can use a soft-bristled brush or finger brush and a grain-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. As your baby ages and more teeth erupt, you can gradually move to a pea-size amount of pediatric toothpaste.
Older toddlers and preschoolers will likely want to assert independence and brush themselves. You can let them brush with water only before or after your brush, or you can let them brush first, and you finish up to ensure all teeth are cleaned!
When to See a Dentist
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that your baby see a dentist by the time they are six months old. Look for a pediatric dentist as they are trained to work with young children and understand the development of little mouths best!
Early dental visits allow the office to track your baby’s development on a baby teeth chart and build familiarity with the dentist for your child. At early visits, the dentist will examine your baby’s mouth, discuss family oral history, and any other dental concerns or questions you may have.
Before your visit, you can log any questions, symptoms, or notes in the Baby Daybook Tracker to make your visit go smoothly!
Teething is a significant milestone and one that lasts several years! While teething symptoms can be irritating, you can soothe your little one’s gums with cold teething toys, chilly snacks, and advice from your pediatrician. The stages of teething are pretty predictable, so expect your little one’s first teeth to be between five and seven months. The Baby Daybook App has a handy teething tracker to mark baby teeth eruption quickly and accurately. Remember to take your baby for their first dental visit by six months old and to start cleaning their gums from birth!

Healthline (2016). Why Some Babies Are Born with Teeth. www.healthline.com [Accessed February 2024]
Hopkinsmedicine.org. Teething. www.hopkinsmedicine.org [Accessed February 2024]
SteadyHealth.com (2018). Five Common Misconceptions About Teething. www.steadyhealth.com [Accessed February 2024]
WhatToExpect.com (2022). Are Teething Gels Safe? www.whattoexpect.com [Accessed February 2024]